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An extensive online database featuring more than 7,000 edible and medicinal plants, many of which can be found growing wild throughout the temperate world. To make the most of this site, you really need to use the Search tool to find specific plants. Profiles include identification, medicinal use, edibility, cultivation, and information on related species. A charitable organization, Plants For A Future was originally founded by Ken and Addy Fern in Cornwall, UK. Keynote was delivered by Robin Rose Bennett, who led us to be ourselves. It was a lovely invitation to fully embrace the earth and ourselves with our feet firmly on the ground and our spirits soaring. This blog is a labor of love - a love for herbs and their natural healing properties. For millions of years, humankind has looked to plants for healing. Our ancestors used herbs in their everyday lives to support their health and wellbeing. It may seem that in today's world, many have forgotten the old ways, but thankfully ...